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continuous transmission中文是什么意思

用"continuous transmission"造句"continuous transmission"怎么读"continuous transmission" in a sentence


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  • Continuous transmission sonar
  • A . the crux of the matter is the karmapa lineage . it has to do with the purity of the whole kagyu lineage . this is because of the fact that in the kagyu lineage , the continuous transmission of all the blessing , dharma practice , method , initiation , oral transmission , mantra and teaching come from the unbroken lineage of the karmapas
  • In this paper , we designed the structure of the gear and rack in this actuating mechanism , elaborated the theory of its formation , and deduced the profile function and gearing function of the gear and rack . furthermore , we deduced the inherent radius of going around a turn under certain circumstance , the condition of the correct gearing and the continuous transmission . in order to make the mechanism move steady , we designed the derivation mechanism and manufacture the modle
  • ( before the proposal of this standard , use of ofdm was limited to continuous transmission systems ) combined with the national high technology project named " key techniques of the wireless module in fieldbus facilities " , author focuses on the research of baseband technologies of ieee802 . il / lla physical layer , and put forward some novel algorithms about the timing and frequency offset synchronization and the channel estimation of ofdm transreceiver in wlan , which have been published on some kernel transaction and international conference and shows the author ' s great research achievements
    结合作者研究生阶段“现场总线设备中的无线通信模块关键技术研究” 863课题,作者对ieee802 . 11 11a [ 1 ]物理层基带部分相关技术做了深入研究,提出了无线局域网中ofdm基带系统时间同步、频偏估计以及信道估计等关键算法,在国内核心期刊和国际会议上发表了相关学术论文,本文在此基础上完成的。
用"continuous transmission"造句  


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